How Much Water Should You Drink With Vitamins?

Vitamins / By Simon

We have all heard the mantra while at the dinner table: “Eat your vegetables, and you’ll grow up nice and strong.” From a young age, we understand that eating healthily and drinking water is good for us. But sometimes, our daily demands make it difficult to follow that “balanced diet plate” we continually see on the internet, so we drink some vitamins and hope for the best. But this raises the question, how much water should you drink with vitamins?

As a general rule, you should swallow your water-soluble vitamins with between one half to a full glass of water. When taking vitamins, there is no need to alter your overall water intake. You should not take fat-soluble vitamins (A D E and K) with water alone but with a small amount of healthy fat.

This is because fat-soluble vitamins are best absorbed if taken with food which has some fat in it. They dissolve in the fat and cross the intestinal wall into the bloodstream more easily. It does not have to be much fat, a small amount of healthy fat is fine.

Water soluble vitamins are best taken with water as they will disolve in the water and then are better absorbed into the body.

How Much Water Should You Drink With Vitamins? image of a woman with a glass of water taking vitamins

Vitamin supplements come in various forms: pills, powders, or liquids. Some people have difficulty swallowing tablets and prefer to take their vitamins through other methods such as dissolvable tablets or powders. Now, is there a difference between the various forms and how the vitamins should be taken?

Is there a difference between vitamin pills and tablets that effervesce in water?

Apart from making it easier to drink, according to the dietitian, Dr. Schenker, effervescent tablets, which are dissolved in water, are a great way to take your vitamins. Your stomach does not have to break down any pills, and it theoretically it eliminates any irritation to the stomach caused by localized contact of the tablet with the lining cells of the stomach, exposing those cells to high concentrations of vitamins.

I do not really think that this is a problem, as our stomachs contain hydrochloric acid! So they already have a great defence mechanism in the form of a mucous layer protecting the cells of the stomach lining. A vitamin tablet is unlikely to be a problem against a system capable of dealing with hydrochloric acid. So it seems unnecessary to dissolve vitamins in water to protect the stomach, although it will help the absorption of water-soluble vitamins.

Powdered and liquid forms will offer the same benefits of ease of swallowing as effervescent tablets, and it all essentially boils down to preference. Also, with children or people who have difficulty swallowing pills, dissolvable nutrients offer an alternative to capsules, tablets, or soft gels.

When should you take your vitamins?

  1. Water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, and vitamin C) dissolve in water and should be taken on an empty stomach; thirty minutes before breakfast and in case you forget and already had your meal, wait two hours before taking your vitamins.
  2. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are best taken with some food that contains some form of healthy fat, such as avocados. The reason for this is that these vitamins need to disolve in fat and then fat be absorbed.

Should you take vitamins with a full glass of water?

On the whole taking your water soluble vitamins, those other than vitamin A D E or K, with a glass of water is ideal, but do not worry if you can only manage half a glass.

Is Vitamin water good for you?

Vitamin water may seem like a good idea to get your daily amount of vitamins while hydrating at the same time. However, these supplement drinks can contain a lot of sugar, and most of the time, we are not deficient in the vitamins and minerals they add to the drink.

Another way to hydrate while giving your body some of the nutrients it needs is to stock up on water-rich foods.

ItemPercentage Water and Other Nutrient Information
Watermelon92% water and contains powerful antioxidants
Strawberries91% water and a source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins
Cantaloupe90% water and rich in vitamin A
Skim milk91% water and provides us with vitamins and minerals
Broths and soups92% water, the vegetables in broths and soups are sources of vitamins and minerals
Coconut water95% water and rich in electrolytes

Does tap water contain our daily mineral fix to add to our vitamins?

We receive most minerals from the food we eat or the supplements we take and not from drinking water. Tap water contains only a small amount of the minerals we need (such as calcium and magnesium). To get the daily amount of minerals, you would have to consume excessive amounts of water. Not only is this nearly impossible, but it is also ill-advised. Drinking too much water can pose health risks. It can dilute the plasma leading to low sodium levels which then can impair our brain function.

Bottled mineral water – found in underground reservoirs – contains higher amounts of natural minerals than tap water. But it is still does not have enough of all minerals. A problem with bottled water in plastic bottles is that it contains microplastics that may be harmful to the human body in the long run.

Do you need to drink more water when on a high-protein diet?

Medical professionals are concerned that high-protein diets may be harmful to the kidneys. If there is already some kidney damage then the balance of evidence is that protein restriction is helpful, although the data are not conclusive. In the general population, one study showed an increased incidence of renal failure linked to the consumption of red meat. Eating other forms of protein, such as poultry or vegetables was not associated with renal failure.

On the other hand, consuming very large amounts of water can cause other health issues. The best way to make sure you are not doing more harm than good is to consult with a medical professional before increasing your protein.

Protein powder mixed with water may help individuals who require more protein; however, it is not necessary as you can easily maintain your protein requirements by consuming the recommended amount from food. It is helpful to remember that meat is not the only protein source; lentils and beans are great to top up when meat is not your thing.

Can you drink vitamins with coffee or tea, and they count towards your daily fluid intake?

Coffee and tea

As some teas also contain caffeine, it might not be a good idea to take your vitamins with your morning cup of tea or coffee. Research has shown that high levels of caffeine interfere with vitamin D and calcium absorption.

According to Dr. Sarah Jarvis, non-alcoholic fluids such as tea, coffee, and fruit juice will help keep you hydrated. However, when you just poured your eighth cup of tea, it might be a good idea to switch to water for the rest of the day.

Water and beverage temperatures and their effect on vitamins

According to HealthSite, water should be at room temperature for best results. They warn that you should avoid taking capsules with hot water as it dissolves the casing too early; room temperature is also suggested for capsules. Coffee and teas are commonly hot beverages and provide another reason against taking your supplements with these beverages.

Can you take too much water water with vitamins?

In considering taking water with vitamins will too much actually flush out the vitamins-

Before the body expels waste, it retains the nutrients it needs. So while drinking more water causes frequent urination, the body will only flush out the excess water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are not flushed out with increased water consumption.

  • ·       Water-soluble vitamins (b complex vitamins-B1, B2, B3, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7, B9, B12, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The body absorbs these vitamins easily and discards what it doesn’t need. Taking more than you need will only be flushed out by the kidneys. This means that you can increase your fluid intake without worrying about flushing vitamin supplements.
  • ·       Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K) Because these vitamins are stored in fat and tissue. The kidneys do not remove the excess after taking the needed amount. It also means that your body can accumulate dangerous amounts of these vitamins over time. It is advisable to stick to the recommended dose and consult with a healthcare professional.

There is some controversy about taking a multivitamin supplement versus living a healthy lifestyle and getting the necessary nutrients through a balanced diet. According to the Bailey Medical Center, you only need vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins, vitamins not listed here should be discussed with your health care provider to confirm if you need to take them.

Watch the video below to find out more about multivitamins.

Dr. Larry Appel stated that folic acid might be the only exception and that a healthy diet should give your body all the nutrients it needs without taking a vitamin supplement. (Folic acid can be taken before and during early pregnancy to avoid neural tube defects in babies).

However there is one randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial in male physicians which showed an 8% decrease in cancer incidence in the multivitamin group over a period of 11.2 years.

Harvard Medical School suggests that to keep our immune systems strong and healthy, we should make lifestyle changes. Though some of them might seem a little hard to pull off, it should be noted that taking dietary supplements might add some nutrients; it cannot undo the effects of bad habits.

Here is the list of changes Harvard suggests-

  • ·       Stop smoking
  • ·       Eat fruits and vegetables, daily
  • ·       Exercise and keep a healthy weight
  • ·       Drink alcohol in moderation
  • ·       Clock your 8 hours of sleep
  • ·       Personal hygiene and food safety
  • ·       Vaccinate

Caution against drinking too much water

Medical News Today explains that overhydration can occur when someone drinks too much water in a short amount of time and the kidneys struggle to process and expel the excess fluid by urination. A study found that the kidneys can only get rid of 0.8 to 1.0 liters of water per hour.

Water intoxication is a disruption of brain function caused by consuming excessive amounts of water. The excess fluid dilutes the electrolytes and, in particular, sodium. A low plasma sodium concentration is called hyponatremia. The Mayo Clinic defines hyponatremia as:

“Hyponatremia occurs when the concentration of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that’s in and around your cells.”

The amount of water a person needs is very variable and will depend on body weight, environmental temperature, exercise, pregnancy…… A few rules have been proposed for the total water needed from food and drink, there are no real guidelines for the amount of pure water that we should drink.

Water From Food and Drink

There will of course be different amounts of water from food but an average would be about 0.7 liters.

  • Depending on sex 2.7 liters per day for a woman and 3.5 liters per day for a man, proposed by the National Academy of Medicine in 2004
  • 1ml per kilocalorie. So if a persons predicted calorie consumption is 2000kcal they should drink 2000 ml minus the volume of water in their food (700ml approximately), that is 1.3 liters. The scientific basis for this daily amount of water is questionable but in a large German population it did seem to be adequate.
  • Rely on thirst. Generally this works well but we do not know if it is optimal. In the elderly their may be decreased thirst sensation, atheletes during and following exercise may need more than their thirst indicates, and in pregnancy more water may be needed.

Pure Water

  • 8 x 8 rule that is 8 8oz glasses per day of water in additon to food-many people follow this but it is not based on research.

Here is a hydration calculator that will calculate whether you are drinking enough water. I found it slightly confusing as I seemed to be in a profound water deficit which I would have thought unsustainable. Anyway it got the message across to me that I need to drink more water!

Conclusion-How Much Water Should You Drink With Vitamins?

The amount of water you should drink with vitamins is 1/2 to a whole glass of water. However, this is only for water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins need to be taken with a small amount of healthy fat.

Water is not likely to flush out vitamins because the body keeps what it needs before expelling the excess. However, instead of taking supplements, it is suggested that making lifestyle changes gives your body what it needs to be healthy. There is one randomised controlled trial outlined above showing an 8% reduction in cancer incidence with multivitamins. Only drink enough water to keep your body operating at the top level but avoid excess fluid intake to prevent the risk of hyponatremia (low plasma sodium concentration).

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How much water should you drink when taking supplements?

Can you lose weight in a healthy way by just drinking water and taking vitamins?

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Just as a disclaimer, we’re not trying to give you healthcare or medical advice. The contents of this site are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information provided on this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects of substances. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, you should consult your doctor and not delay based on anything that you read on the Supplementintel website. You should consult your healthcare provider before taking any supplements. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, it is especially important to consult with your doctor before starting a supplement. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness program or making any changes to your diet, exercise, and medication or supplement regimen. There are tens of millions of medical research papers and whilst every care has been taken in preparing this article there may be errors or omissions that we are not aware of.